Be Yourself
The text is a quote by the poet, painter and mystic William Blake. It reads: "Improvement makes straight roads but the crooked roads are the roads of genius" wrote William Blake, the English artist and poet (1757-1827,) who is quoted in this work.
Be Yourself epitomizes the common dilemma of wanting and trying to fit in; be it fitting within the ideals society, family, friends, or whatever expectations others have set for you. This print is about coming into your own— and how eventually everyone does. And everyone has to. The woman here is just bursting forth with her amazingly eccentric personality as if she has held it in for so long she just can't contain it any longer.
William Blake realizes that the true beauty of life is in those who are different; those crooked roads who are true to themselves. The "You are Here" text and position symbolizes birth and rebirth; it's never too late to begin again.